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2021 Feast & Holy Day Calendar

This information is based on the calendar originally developed by the Gathering of Christ Church. Learn more here.

Plan and prepare for the feast days.

  • Which Holy Days Should I Observe? For information on feast & holy days, check our overview
  • How Should I Keep The Feasts? Want a detailed breakdown of the history and guidelines for proper observance? Try this resource.
  • WE HAVE PLANNERS! See our stunning 2021-2022 Hebrew planners right here.
  • Need A Physical Wall Calendar? We don't make one. If you are looking for a 2021 wall calendar, I recommend this one by the Gathering of Christ Church.

Join the Shamai Tribe >>here<< for feast day reminders throughout the year—never miss a holy day!


Days of the Week: Biblical days begin at sunset the previous day with the 1st day of the week beginning on Saturdays at sundown.








sunset Saturday to Sunday

sunset Sunday to Monday sunset Monday to Tuesday sunset Tuesday to Wednesday sunset Wednesday to Thursday sunset Thursday to Friday sunset Friday to Saturday


11th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week


12th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week

Purim —begins sundown February 16th

Intercalary Sabbath — sundown March 5th (LAST DAY OF THE YEAR)




1st Hebrew Month


Feast of New Months (Spring) — sundown March 6th (double sabbath)

Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week

Passover — sundown March 19th

Feast of Unleavened Bread — begins sundown March 20th (double sabbath)


2nd Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week


3rd Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week

Feast of Weeks/First Fruits/Pentecost — sundown May 8th (double sabbath)

Intercalary Sabbath — sundown June 4th


4th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week

Feast of New Months (Summer) — sundown June 5th (double sabbath)


5th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week


6th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week

Intercalary Sabbath — sundown September 3rd


7th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week

Feast of New Months (Fall) & Memorial Blowing of Trumpets — sundown September 4th (double sabbath)

Day of Atonement — sundown September 13th

Feast of Tabernacles — begins sundown September 18th (two double sabbaths)


8th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week


9th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week

Feast of Dedication — begins November 27th

Intercalary Sabbath — sundown December 3rd


10th Hebrew Month


Weekly Sabbaths — sundown Friday to sundown Saturday every week

Feast of New Months (Winter) — sundown December 4th (double sabbath)



Keep the feasts and your schedule in style this year!

The ONLY Hebrew planner of its kind. Track the holy days by season, month, and week. A full integration of the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars—for life, school, or business. Learn more >>here<<.